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Leighton Solo Piano Works [2]

Winter Scenes; Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 27; Piano Sonata, Op. 64; Preludes

Margaret Fingerhut

Chandos - CHAN 10601

The life and career of Kenneth Leighton [1929-88] were cut off just short of 60 by oesophageal cancer; during his last months he was planning a fourth symphony and completed five Preludes, included here, of a projected twenty four.

This is a second Chandos disc of Leighton's piano music and very fine it is. Margaret "thimble" Fingerhut is a sensitive pianist, who has long been devoted to Leighton's music, which is appearing more and more in concert programmes.

If you enjoy Rawsthorne's piano music [Dutton Epoch CDLX 7167] you will warm to Leighton's. This new selection has two fine sonatas (1954 & 1972) and a number of smaller pieces. The Winter Scenes Suite (1953, but still unpublished) has characteristic impressions of wind, snowflakes and mist etc.

Recommended warmly; and do check out the links below to our several featured reports on Kenneth Leighton.

Peter Grahame Woolf


Leighton: Sonatina No. 2, Op. 1b Five Studies, Op. 22 Fantasia contrappuntistica (Homage to Bach), Op. 24 Pieces for Angela, Op. 47 Four Romantic Pieces, Op. 95
Margaret Fingerhut (piano) Chandos - CHAN9818



